Tapping Into My Inner Cat

Aside from work, I didn’t get a whole lot done this past week.  I did vacuum the floors yesterday, but I’m not sure if that really counts because it was sandwiched between hours of watching movies on Amazon Prime.  The sad part is, I didn’t always stay awake through the entire movie.  I dozed off many times and awoke covered in cats.

I didn’t mind.

I had lots of ideas, but nothing made it past the ‘thought’ stage.  In fact, I attended church in my pajamas today.  (Okay, it was an online service, but still, I probably should have put more effort in besides just waking up today!)  I was going to make peanut butter cookies but then the thought of pulling all the ingredients out and cleaning afterward convinced me it wasn’t a good idea after all.

I don’t know if the last six months of long work hours, or the travel across the world (or both) got to me but I can’t remember when I have been this lazy.  I won’t worry too much yet but, when my self-quarantine is over next week, I want to at least go walk or hike.

If I can be bothered to put on shoes… and something besides pajamas.

The other thing I did this week was stalk my cats.  Here are a few pics:

Lucy claimed a picture frame box (pretty much as soon as I cut the tape!)
Lily emptying my hair tie drawer (again)… she’s sneaky and I rarely catch her in the act
Sammy is my 17-year-old’s cat but sometimes she forgets… she hangs out with me a lot!

Author: findingmedaily43

I used to enjoy hiking and snapping pictures along the way. I used to have creative ideas jotted on pieces of paper stacked on my desk. I used to laugh and look forward to spending time with others. I used to write. A lot. Through this blog, I'm making an effort each day to find myself.

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